City Palace (Markaziy) Hotel i Tashkent

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UsbekistanCity Palace (Markaziy) Hotel


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Amir Timur Street, 15, Tashkent 100000, Uzbekistan
kontakter telefon: +998 71 129 87 77
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.3162355, Longitude: 69.2798064

kommentar 5

  • Rizwan Younas

    Rizwan Younas


    Great staff at front desk. Good breakfast lots of choices. Beds very comfortable WiFi good. Beautiful pool area outdoor and indoor pools. Good location. Very good location, very easy to reach there. Huge car parking.

  • Andrei Erch

    Andrei Erch


    For net Sheraton in Tashkent. Location is in the center, 5 minutes from Amir Timur Square and the Aloy Bazaar. I did not have accommodation in the hotel, however, the reception looks pretty good.

  • en

    David Miranda


    Nice and confortable

  • en

    Sharon Burke


    Great staff at front desk. Good breakfast lots of choices. Beds very comfortable WiFi good. Beautiful pool area outdoor and indoor pools. Good location.

  • Ramlee Tamin

    Ramlee Tamin


    Pros Very clean and helpful staff. Many facilities in the room. Nice window view. 4 fast elevators to the rooms. At least 4 plug points. Good furnitures in the room with nice arrangement. Good tea and coffee. Bath tub with phone. Soft wall paper. Writing desk available. Cons Wifi is relatively slow in the room. Water pressure is too high. No menu, pen or pad. Burnt-out bulb.

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