Ramada Tashkent i Tashkent

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UsbekistanRamada Tashkent


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1 Abdulla Kadiry St, Tashkent, Uzbekistán
kontakter telefon: +998 71 140 60 00
internet side: www.ramadatashkent.com
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Latitude: 41.324759, Longitude: 69.263587

kommentar 5

  • en

    Arvind Rastogi


    A good hotel bit far from the centre , breakfast was very good,room ,rooms are ok,there are two types,one is small and the other is very big, service wasn't perfect.Aircon was making noise,there is a function hall besides where marriages are held

  • Konstantin Gorozhankin

    Konstantin Gorozhankin


    Бывшая гостиница "Ленинградская". Советскость присутствует. Хороший wifi. Неоправдано дорого для Ташкента

  • Winnie Acharya

    Winnie Acharya


    The hotel is lovely, very neat and clean and located centrally. It has a number of restaurants/cafes and the food is really good and well prepared thanks to the chef Mr. Sharma. The hotel staff are very professional, friendly and helpful. There's a 24 hour exchange office in their lobby. It has lots of lovely tree lined walkways nearby. There's a departmental store a few buildings away. Only con would be that the rooms are a bit small so they feel cramped if you have a lot of luggage.

  • Álvaro Gavilan

    Álvaro Gavilan


    Hotel muy bueno buena situación y el mrnu variado

  • Andrea De Alessandri

    Andrea De Alessandri


    Bellissima e grande piscina con sauna e palestra. Albergo pulito e camere abbastanza comode, bagno pulito e spazioso. I letti sono duri come tavole e la console per le luci della camera sono complicate da usare e decisamente poco comode. Per essere un hotel 4 stelle non è poi così fantastico. Il Wifi è un po' lento e non sempre con buona potenza segnale. Il personale è gentile e molto disponibile.

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