Westminster International University in Tashkent в Тошкент

УзбекистанWestminster International University in Tashkent


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12, Istiqbol ko'chasi, 100047, Тошкент, UZ Uzbekistan
контакты телефон: +998 71 238 74 00
Веб-сайт: wiut.uz
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Latitude: 41.3069797, Longitude: 69.2833793

Комментарии 5

  • en

    Shoxrux Yuldoshev


    I'll sortaintly enter this university

  • en

    Нодира Машарипова


    I want to enter WIUT. I will study in this university. (Satimboy Satimov)

  • en

    Jasur Khujamuratov


    I'm gonna become a student there(after 2 years)...hope I won't regret...cuz it is said to be one of the coolest universities in uzbekistan

  • Avazbek Abdusaidov

    Avazbek Abdusaidov


    Year 2017 I had a terrifying experience with Admissions and Inquiry office when I made an attempt to transfer from Inha university to the Westminster's undergraduate course. I had everything the university required. Satisfying 1st year at Inha university, IELTS 7.5, math sore of 70%. Still, I wasn't admitted. Why? According to them, it is because I submitted the documents late. The fact is I submitted all of the documents they required on July. When is the deadline to submit the documents? On 20th of August. When I called them on 23rd of August to clarify whether I got in or not(cause they didn't email me nor called), I was told that the transfer cases will be dealt after two weeks. I had said ok and then after 14 days I called them and they tell me you should change the Certificate of Enrolment of Inha university not specifying i which way. I changed it. Then they call me 2 days later. You should change it again adding the info that you have successfully finished the 1st course at Inha university. They were not satisfied with the words that "Above named student is currently enrolled as a second year student at Inha university". I asked Inha the same day, they required me to officially write to the university and come the next day. I did get that certificate. So? What is the problem? I called Westminster a day later. And they tell me that admission is closed and that the girl who called me had told me that I had to change the certificate and submit it the same day she called. Where is the logic? 1)First, She didn't say that. I wouldn't forget something so important and I clearly remember retelling what she told to my mom and there was no such requirement. 2)What the hell? It is their fault. How the goddamn admission can last only for 2 - 3 days. Why didn't they call me and tell that I need to change the certificate earlier??? P.S.The women or girls who were talking with me via phone were rude. They did not connect me to the girl who called me that important day. And when I started telling them why didn't you call me earlier, they just hanged up the phone. I wouldn't write here if not this rude attitude of those Inquiry office girls.

  • en

    Robiya Sirojova


    Heard this place was the best in the country. My experience the worse. The very important math exams of hundreds of students were lost. Need I say no more.... I had my hopes up for this university...

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