Topchan Hostel Tashkent в Tashkent

УзбекистанTopchan Hostel Tashkent



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Понедельникоткрыт 24 часа
Вторникоткрыт 24 часа
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104, 8-Mart st. (near Zeleniy Bazar), Tashkent, Uzbekistan
контакты телефон: +998 90 319 99 98
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 41.280955, Longitude: 69.295073

Комментарии 5

  • muhammet duran

    muhammet duran


    In Tashkent we stayed its place. We very like to stay here. So clear hostel. Very amazing art on the wall. Its very interesting i very liked it. Toilet and showers not together. On the morning very delicious breakfast.

  • Kelvin Chong

    Kelvin Chong


    Love the graffiti / wall paintings! Helpful staff, the toilet and bathroom are SPOTLESS!

  • Gareth Jones

    Gareth Jones


    Really nice hostel. Was a great place to relax and meet people. The staff were very friendly and helpful. Rooms were nicely decorated and clean with comfortable beds. Bathrooms were always clean and the showers were excellent. I'd definitely go back if I was returning to Tashkent.

  • en

    Ewa Swiderska


    I have mixed feeling about Topchan and think it's a bit overrated. First good points. The owners and staff are extremely nice and helpful, especially the girl that works there. Also, they arranged my letter of invitation much cheaper than other places and helped later with registration, which is pretty much pain in the neck in Uzbekistan-all if it I am really thankful for. Somehow though I could not understand this place. They call it hostel, but feels like a house not in a best sense to me though.. noisy, children running around, playing, watching TV in common area. I had a feeling common area,which is close to female dorm, is for the staff use actually.. they were not happy to be asked to turn down volume at 11pm, and there were me and other guest to ask. At 8 am it was on again. They offer breakfast, but there is just one table in the kitchen-it would be great to put a second one as people coming in are just confused where to sit. I guess it feels better in private rooms, but for those sensitive to noise not the best place ever.

  • Hubert Stuczynski

    Hubert Stuczynski


    For a hostel - it's a terrific place. I'm not sure whether the separate rooms are good value, considering that some of them don't have windows opening to the outside of the building, but to the common space on the floor below, but the dorm room is of good standard, though usually full of snoring travellers :). The common space is a big plus, inviting but not overwhelming. And the guys running the place as absolutely fantastic, you do get amicable with them. I had a soft landing in Tashkent with their help. Thanks guys!

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