Na Nebe в Тошкент

УзбекистанNa Nebe



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57, Xurshid ko'chasi, Тошкент, UZ Uzbekistan
контакты телефон: +998 71 235 10 00
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 41.3280306, Longitude: 69.2781029

Комментарии 5

  • Zulfiya Islamova

    Zulfiya Islamova


    Tasty food, good location.

  • Benny Geypens

    Benny Geypens


    Very similar to some other restaurants in the city, meaning the emphasis is clearly on meat dishes. One difference with the others: they have sushi which are quite ok and provide a lighter alternative.

  • Balraj Sheetak

    Balraj Sheetak


    Beautiful ambience and decor. Atmosphere is cozy and comfortable. Food is delicious and fresh especially steak is very good here. Desserts and pastries are goodService is good and staff is welcoming. Hospitality is warm. Price is affordable. Good place to go with family and friends.

  • Carly L

    Carly L


    Very odd experience. Came with a group of foreigners and one local (Uzbek-speaking). There were two English menus to order from, but the labels (vegetarian, beef, chicken, fish, etc.) were very inaccurate, and dishes labeled vegetarian actually contained meat. The server mixed up the dishes when serving, and due to the language barrier people ended up eating other people's dishes. Two dishes (mine) seemed to have been forgotten. A restaurant charging a 20% service charge should at least bring all of the dishes to the table and to the correct person. The food quality was okay - I had the cauliflower soup which was good, the grilled vegetables (which were 99% eggplant, served in the Armenian style of khorovats) and the grilled mushrooms (which were also good). I'd be willing to overlook a lot of the service problems were it not for a major shock when the bill arrived. Before ordering wine by the glass, we asked for the price (since it wasn't listed on the menu). We were told it was 32,000 sum so we proceeded to order, but when the bill arrived it was listed as 70,000! It definitely seemed like a scam to me, as their initial response was to stick with 70,000, but fortunately we had a local who could protect us from this over-charge. I'm not sure what would have happened if he hadn't been with us.

  • Sarah N

    Sarah N


    Had to wait for my dinner too long but plating didn't meet my expectations. Don't waste your time and money visiting this place.

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