Hotel Abdu - Bahodir 2 w Samarkand

UzbekistanHotel Abdu - Bahodir 2


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1 Bukharskaya Street, 7, Samarkand 140100, Samarkand, Uzbekistan
kontakt telefon: +998 90 250 44 62
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.6557284, Longitude: 66.9833763

komentarze 5

  • ZyXuz Cryst

    ZyXuz Cryst


    Located 10 minutes walk to Registan Square. Hotel exterior is nice, with beautiful dining area. I was there for 3 days, and the breakfast are different everyday!!! Room is clean, but old, especially bathroom. Light is weak. WiFi works well, video call is not a problem. Worth the money!!!!

  • en

    Anonymer Wombat


    Photos and positive comments led us here and we were highly disappointed. Rooms, especially bathrooms, were old and not properly cleaned, despite the window next to the bed the air inside was horrible, air conditioning didn't work. Beds were very uncomfortable. Breakfast was nice but tables were never cleaned. The staff was polite but we missed a warm welcome as well as information about the place or a reception were we could find somebody if needed. I would recommend to go somewhere else, even if that means paying a couple of dollars more.

  • Thomas Andre

    Thomas Andre


    Great terrace, great rooms, great prices, great location and great prices. It can be a little bit loud at night, some rooms are air conditioning and some others don't. But the owners are very nice. Would stay there again

  • Harry van Someren

    Harry van Someren


    Good budget hotel. Very good breakfast. Nice shower. Pity the airco was unreliable.

  • Sarah Neate

    Sarah Neate


    Quiet location, great view from the topchans on the balcony. Good price. The electricity was a bit hit or miss, so during the heat of the summer with air con coming and going it could be a bit hot.

najbliższy Kwatera

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