Embassy of France в Тошкент

УзбекистанEmbassy of France


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25, rue Istiqbol, Тошкент, Uzbekistan
контакты телефон: +998 71 232 81 00
Веб-сайт: uz.ambafrance.org
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 41.3049566, Longitude: 69.2864509

Комментарии 5

  • Eru Sakata

    Eru Sakata


    Had the worst and very nerve-wracking experience in this embassy when trying to get my student visa. First of all, some of the documents requested at the embassy were never mentioned in the list of the required documents on the website after completing the registration process. There are no proper guidelines to let people know beforehand, that they need to bring three copies of the registration form, or that a copy of the birth certificate is required, or that there is a specific format for the photos, or that a ticket reservation is required, which is absolutely unreasonable. No mention of how many photos needed either. Additionally, the website mentioned that the payment had to be done in the local currency, which is so'm in Uzbekistan and even gave an estimate of how much it would be. However, upon arriving to the embassy, I found out that they wouldn't accept the local currency and the payment had to be done in dollars. Overall, terrible service and communication that is not worth a single star. The guardsmen and the man who escorted people in and out of the embassy seemed to be the only ones who cared about the people and were actually more helpful than the woman that was interviewing and accepting the documents. It's a shame that the embassy exhibits such negligence and indifference causing a lot of hardships for the common people. I sincerely hope that it will get better.

  • Diana van Dusseldorp

    Diana van Dusseldorp


    Very poor, bad and unprofessional service, kept passport of my mom for more than two (!!!!) months! Did not provide any info by telephone when we called to ask what the reason was that it took 2 months...you need to pay even extra to make an appointement online!!!!!! Would neverever go there, but they are the only one who provide visa to some EU countries.

  • Mukhammadali Otaboev

    Mukhammadali Otaboev


    Awesome and helpful staff! Really polite and amazing interviewer!

  • Bekzod Akramov

    Bekzod Akramov


    As many others have pointed out, this embassy has a lot of issues related to timeliness and communication. I’ve dealt with many other embassies in Tashkent, but none of them have been as unprofessional and unhelpful as this one. The workers here are not informed about visa policies, and they do not respond to emails at all. The least they can do is respond to questions in a professional manner, but even that is lacking. I feel bad for Uzbek citizens who have to deal with this embassy to go to France as students or tourists. Hopefully, there’ll be a change in the professional culture of this embassy in the near future.

  • ZiyoMukhammad Usmonov

    ZiyoMukhammad Usmonov


    Applied for visa 1 month and 8 days ago. Haven’t got the answer. Call center operators are not polite and are not able to answer fully.

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