Registon Travel в Тошкент

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УзбекистанRegiston Travel



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53B Usman Nasir Street, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Тошкент 100100, Uzbekistan
контакты телефон: +998 90 805 99 66
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 41.283874, Longitude: 69.252453

Комментарии 5

  • en

    Sharo Arzi


    We just came back from an amazing 10 days tour. All arranged form beginning til end by Mr. Sirojiddin Hujamuratov. He answered all of my questions with seemingly bottomless patience in my emails and helped us with everything. Very skilled and knowledgeable guides, safe and clean transportation with good driver. All hotels were great. Sirojiddin met us in person when we arrived in Tashkent and again we meet at farewell dinner which was organized by Registon travel! Wow, it was so amazing! Thank you Registon Travel for helping us this way and to let us experience your beautiful country! Without a doubt we recommend!

  • Matluba Hujamuratova

    Matluba Hujamuratova


    Everything in our 18 day Uzbekistan tour went perfectly. No glitches or hiccups. Sirojiddin organized every detail of our trip to our exact wishes and it all flowed smoothly. They were knowledgeable and accommodating in every way. The drivers were competent and spoke enough English to manage easily. The sightseeing was spectacular. All the hotels were first rate. Uzbekistan is rife with the old soviet style bureaucracy. The people of Uzbekistan are among the nicest of any place we have traveled in. They are friendly and helpful. There were no intrusive hawkers crowding us at every turn. This is really a must see country, but it is best done through a competent local travel agency that will competently take care of the bureaucracy and choose the best hotels and guides. Registon Travel and Sirojiddin will do that for you.

  • Adrian Cardona

    Adrian Cardona


    “It was a huge leap of faith for me to entrust Registon Travel with my long dreamed-about trip to Uzbekistan. I had consulted foreign agencies before coming across Registon Travel, but something truck me as right about this agency, and the staff's enthusiasm for exciting travel is infectious. I went with my gut feeling and trusted them with all my holiday arrangements. They were extremely patient and helpful with all my questions, my tour consultant was Sirojiddin, he was very friendly and kind with me, especially since I did this trip alone. All I can say is that my instinct was 100% correct: the trip was one of the most wonderful things I have done in my life, everything went smoothly, and never once did I feel lost or was forgotten by any local reps. The excursions and activities were one burst of excitement after the other and the standard of the hotels was just right for me (clean, not too many frills, but not cheap hostel stuff either). My experience with Registon Travel was perfect, and I can honestly recommend Registon Travel to anyone who loves seeing and exploring the world more closely and with enthusiasm. As soon as I can afford another trip like this, Registon Travel will be the one I call first!” Adrian Cardona, Barcelona, Spain

  • Husniddin Kamolov

    Husniddin Kamolov


    I highly recommend this travel agency! Registon travel agency is one of the best in Uzbekistan.

  • zokir Usmanov

    zokir Usmanov


    the best of the best in Uzbekistan, recommend for all (y)

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