Kokand City Hotel i Қўқон

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UsbekistanKokand City Hotel


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1, 150700, Қўқон, UZ Uzbekistan
kontakter telefon: +998 95 400 40 81
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Latitude: 40.5360466, Longitude: 70.9267691

kommentar 5

  • vasilii turculet

    vasilii turculet



  • Trip Rad

    Trip Rad


    I dont like this city coz if local citizenship you can faind room USD6 to $ USD15 per night one person in this city But they present $ 25or $ 35to foreigners. They will give a discount But it is still much more expensive than local. this is very rery bad culture.Foreigners and local people are the same price in my country so When I see a Uzbekistan people in my country, I will offer only Uzbekians an expensive price That is fair. Hotel is expensive than Tashkent. of course Service and price are not matched in this town coz they are jast cheating foreigners.

  • Аюбхон Яхяев

    Аюбхон Яхяев


    Можно провети ночь. Но не более...

  • Lucas Platz

    Lucas Platz


    Pretty nice hotel. WiFi a little slow, walls a little thin. Bathroom plumbing a little smelly. Other than that a solid choice. Make sure to pay in Sum at the official rate.

  • Karim Kurbonov

    Karim Kurbonov


    Плюсы: комнаты большие, кондиционер работает, в центре, персонал хорошие, хоть иногда тупят. Минусы: За завтрак надо платить отдельно, оказывается! Талон дают на кафе Каприз рядом. Дорого, за 70 тысяч не стоит. Но есть возможность приселение на 2х или 3х местных номерах за 50 тысяч. Матрацы некачественные, шумит.

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