Kitob Olami i Тошкент

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UsbekistanKitob Olami



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Проспект Мустакиллик д, Тошкент, Uzbekistan
kontakter telefon: +998 71 232 11 44
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Latitude: 41.3147864, Longitude: 69.288913

kommentar 5

  • Ogabek Kazakov

    Ogabek Kazakov


    Very good place to buy books. But you can't find books in English

  • Joanna Koziar

    Joanna Koziar


    Too much surger in everything, soooo sweet even a classic lemonade taste like it have more suger than water. The same with milkshakes and other lemonades

  • Louis Magowan

    Louis Magowan


    I searched high and low for a place to buy some books written in English. They only have a small selection but I don't think you'll find any books in English elsewhere in Uzbekistan easily. Nice setup, nice cafe and WiFi, good aircon.

  • Darkhonbek Mamataliev

    Darkhonbek Mamataliev


    They have nice books, especially some of worldwide bestsellers. I was looking for “Steve Jobs” by Walter Isaacson and found it. Prices are higher than on Amazon, but it’s justified by adding shipping costs. There is also a cafe (which I haven’t tried) and a co-working centre. They have interesting meet-ups from time to time, topics include business, education, startups and so on.

  • Emre Senturk

    Emre Senturk


    Very cool and cozy place for going online! Very friendly staff and one of the most modern "workplace" you can find in Tashkent. Internet is very fast and dirt-cheap!

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