Grand Mir Hotel i Тошкент

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UsbekistanGrand Mir Hotel


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2, Mirobod ko'chasi, 100031, Тошкент, UZ Uzbekistan
kontakter telefon: +998 71 140 20 00
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Latitude: 41.296393, Longitude: 69.267908

kommentar 5

  • Nilesh Patel

    Nilesh Patel


    Its really very nice hotel in Tashkent..

  • Tabraiz Feham

    Tabraiz Feham


    The only thing is that the furniture of this hotel is quite old styled and uncomfortable. Other than that the rooms are big with all the amenities. The food is also good at the restaurant. The hotel is centrally located so it’s easy to move from here. Overall pleasant stay.

  • Rauza Zh

    Rauza Zh


    I would give this hotel 0 stars if I could. we stayed there because we arrived at night for cab driver didnt know any other hotel. The carpets are old and dirty, at the reception staff was very condescending, they spoke as if they do us a favour. Hotel is so overpriced, we requested a room for 3 people, they said 250$/night. Receptionist didnt talk to me properly until she made sure i can afford to spend the night there, even then i didnt see a single smile from her, but at least she stopped talking to me as if i am some poor person who is not worthy of her time. when we came it was a small room with a queen size bed, then they brought 1 mattress and asked us where to squeeze it in! I expected it to be a proper room with 3 beds. Rooms are not as clean as you expect 5 star hotel to be. I honestly dont know how they managed to get 5 stars, i think they just decided to call themselves a 5 star hotel. rooms were not renovated in ages. Even their night stand lamps are so old, their rims are all rusted. Mattresses are very stiff and old. Breakfast was good, although for that price they cant even offer drip coffee, its instant coffee. I wouldn't recommend this place to anyone. If owners want to keep ripping off people, they should at least invest some money in renovations. Just writing everything in English doesnt make a place 5 star "luxury" hotel

  • en

    Alim Yusupov


    A good place to stay but on emergency only. Not so clean.

  • en



    Not bad. Need to improve a little. Spacious room but little bit old. Nice gym, indoor pool and sauna.

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