Boutique Hotel Minzifa i Buxoro

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UsbekistanBoutique Hotel Minzifa



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Eshoni-Pir 63 street, Bukhara 200118, Buxoro 200118, Uzbekistan
kontakter telefon: +998 93 477 08 00
internet side:
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Latitude: 39.770319, Longitude: 64.420491

kommentar 5

  • en

    Shaik Shafeeq Ahmed


    Excellent service and very near main square

  • Tuu Wei

    Tuu Wei


    Staff is extremely nice and helpful, location decent enough, and the owner made much effort to make the place stylish as well as blending to the neighborhood.

  • Rishi Maharaj

    Rishi Maharaj


    Beautiful hotel building and courtyard. Breakfast is good with made to order eggs and the staff are delightfully helpful. Beds and pillows are as usual in Uzbekistan, very hard.

  • Paolo Stefani

    Paolo Stefani


    This hotel is a little gem. Few meters from the old city of Bukhara, in a closed courtyard, it has wonderful rooms, decorated in traditional style. The staff is nothing but perfect, and the breakfast, made at the moment, is delicious. Free wifi at a decent speed.

  • Rémy C.

    Rémy C.


    Very nice place to stay. Quiet, close to the center and the service has been absolutely great.

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